My New Years Resolution? To start 2015 with a bunch of "F" words...
I couldn't come up with a single resolution, because I have too much that I want to work on throughout the year, so I stuck with a theme..."F" words:
- FAITH - As my kids get older, I want to make sure they are exploring their faith in a way that is meaningful. Ricky and I have made it our goal to attend mass every week despite our reluctance to do so with 4 small children in tow. When we do go, our time is typically spent tag-teaming for bathroom trips or diaper changes or wrestling with a squirmy/noisy baby. We often look at each other afterwards and say "what's the point?" We rarely get a chance to truly listen to the readings or homily and leave feeling disappointed and frustrated...which I'm pretty sure is NOT what the purpose of church is supposed to be. However, I realize that the point is that our kids see that even though it isn't "easy", we still make the effort to be present. An important lesson all around.
- FAMILY - As Nolan approaches his 1st birthday (OMG, seriously?!?!) it is not lost on me that time truly does go by way too fast. We spent the better part of 2014 trying to find our footing from all of the life changes we endured (living separately, the move, baby #4, getting settled into our new home). Now that we are finally planting our roots, I feel like we can take a deep breath knowing none of that is on the horizon for us this year. I want to focus on the fun. The making memories. The spending more time together...unplugged. Things as simple as family dinners every night, trying something new once a month, or special one-on-one "dates" throughout the year. I want my boys to understand the special bond that is family.
- FITNESS - Because obviously. I'm really excited about the goal I'm setting for myself this year. I'm definitely one who is motivated by list-making and project-naming (see: Body After Baby). Next week I will be sharing my 2015 weight-loss goal (and the cute little tagline that comes along with it).
- FRIENDS - I've always been a quality over quantity type person when it comes to the friend department. Even so, I am constantly blown away by the amazing friends that have been placed in my life. I am so very blessed indeed. Just like one wants a relationship with a significant other to bring out the best in you and make you a better person, that is also how I know I have good friends surrounding me. Each one of them possesses something that I aspire to be. I want to be extremely thoughtful like my bestie, Audrey. I want to have the strength and composure that Kelly has, the roll with the punches sense of humor like Abby. I want to be faith-filled and patient like Kristin, and carry the confidence to be exactly who I am - nothing more, nothing less - like my friend Maddy. All in all, I want to make sure that each of my friends knows just how important they are to me. If I make them feel that way, then I know I'm being a good friend in return.
- FINANCES - I know, a boring way to wrap this up... But with a "big" family like ours, and all of Aiden's medical stuff, money is often on the forefront. I am lucky to be able to stay home with the kids, although it hasn't always been easy - both financially and mentally ;) - but we've made it work. Ricky is a saver...and I balance him out by being the spender in the family...opposites attract, right? But in all seriousness, we have worked really hard to do things the right way. We followed Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University plan starting early on in our marriage which helped us establish some solid money habits. But as our family grew, our savings dwindled. In short, this year we hope to get back on a good track. Save more. Spend less. Give more. Worry less.
Well there you have it...my take on the New Years Resolution. I look forward to what 2015 has in store and to sharing our adventures along the way!
What are YOUR New Years Resolutions?
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