Body after Baby: Week 7

Not much new to report. I lost a total of 0 pounds since last week. I kinda figured that would happen since I was down so much the week before. 

I start my "boot camp" fitness class this coming week and I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally dreading it. I feel like I'm so out of shape. I used to be such an active person - I was a competitive gymnast, swimmer, diver and cheerleader. I ran track and cross country (for a short time). Now, I hate running and just feel much older than I am. My knees crack when I bend down. My arm muscles get sore after folding laundry. It's pathetic.

So, while I know that doing this boot camp is a step in the right direction, I also know that the first few classes are only going to remind me just how out of shape I am. 

But you've got to start somewhere, right?

Week 7 } 168.6
Week 6: 168.6
Week 5: 172.6
Week 4: 171.6
Week 3: 170.6
Week 2: 172.2
Week 1: 173.5
Starting Point: 174.6


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to read all of the Body after Baby posts.

1 comment :

  1. Good luck and keep me posted! After you get over the initial sore muscles, you'll be addicted. It's YOUR time. Enjoy :)
