08 August 2012

The swing of things

It's been 3 weeks since we brought baby #3 into the world. I knew it was going to be a huge adjustment for many reasons - one being because I've been able to sleep through the night pretty solidly for the past 2(ish) years.

Yeah. Those days (er, I should say nights), are definitely gone for a while. Sleep deprivation is probably the hardest part. For sure.

Next in line would have to be the fact that this little tiny human needs to eat every 2 hours. Sometimes every hour and a half. And because I'm breastfeeding this means he is literally attached to me the majority of the day, making getting anything done nearly impossible (shower? bathe the boys? cook? It's usually pick one and go with it, leaving the rest up to Ricky...or just undone). Oh well!

I will pat myself on the back a bit for successfully venturing out with all 3 boys a few times already. It's not easy for them to be stuck at home all day because I'm too {tired, unmotivated, dirty} to do anything else.

Oh - and I went grocery shopping the other day. This is something I haven't done in many months after the whole pregnancy bed rest ordeal. I made a meal plan for the week, clipped coupons, organized the fridge, freezer and cabinets and spent 2 blissful kid-free hours (and entirely too much $) at the grocery.

So I guess you could say that I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.

And it's only gonna get easier.


PS - we had Hudson's newborn pics taken last week. Can't wait to share them all here on the blog. In the meantime, here is a sneak peek!


  1. Oh he is so cute! I felt the same for a while about not going out for a while after having joey a few weeks ago. But you are right, it gets easier.
    You commented on a post of mine a few weeks back on baby center (shanagins05) about our baby being born with apert syndrome. It's so cool that you found my post and that we live so close to each other. I actually just found out that there is one other family in waco with a2 year old that has apert syndrome and I'm looking forward to getting to know them.
    Anyway im glad you are doing good and our family looks forward to getting to know you and yours and learning about apert syndrome as we go along.
    Congrats on baby #3!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by the blog. I haven't met the other family in Waco yet but I know of them. Hope y'all get to meet. Wish we could make it to the CCA picnic in September up that way. If you can, you should go! Hope things are going well for you. If you need anything, just shoot me an email!
