17 August 2012

Body After Baby

No more excuses folks...I'm getting back in shape. It's time. I've been putting it off for long enough for many legitimate (and not-so-legitimate) reasons.

For example:
  • After Ethan was born, I was pregnant 3 months later. So much for losing the baby weight!
  • When Aiden was born the last thing I was thinking about was exercise. My diet consisted of emotional  eating, comfort foods and eating out while traveling for his care. Not ideal. Some people lose weight from stress. Unfortunately, that wasn't me.
  • Then when things finally settled down we started talking about baby #3. I told myself it would be pointless to try to lose weight at that point because I was just going to put it all back on when I got pregnant again.
  • Fast forward a year or two and I still wasn't pregnant. The infertility and miscarriages left me depressed and unmotivated to get moving. I think I felt like if I started working out hard core, I'd be giving up on my dream of having another baby. Weird I know.
Once I finally got pregnant and we knew our family would be complete, I vowed to get into gear after the baby was here.

So here I am. Hudson is 4 weeks old and I'm ready to make good on my promise to myself.

In order to keep myself on track, I plan on sharing my progress here on the blog on a weekly basis. I'll include a summary of what I'm eating, how I'm working out and if I'm really brave, perhaps some totally unedited before, during, and after pics.

I'm calling this project "Body after Baby" and I'd love for you to follow along with me on this journey. {Encouraging words, constructive criticism and compliments welcome :)}

Body after Baby

And, if any of my new mom or mom-to-be blogger friends want to participate along with me, feel free to copy the code from the logo above and add it to your website. Then be sure to leave me a comment on this post with your blog url so I can follow along with you!

I will post an introduction on Monday detailing my goals for weight-loss, physical activity and overall health improvement. Then every Friday I'll check-in with a summary for that week. Hopefully by committing to sharing this journey on the blog it will hold me accountable and keep me motivated!