29 April 2012

On the road again...

Today we headed to Dallas for Aiden's 2nd cranial vault surgery. (His first one was 3 years ago at 15 months old.)

Although I have been extremely anxious in the weeks leading up to this trip, I have recently had a sense of calm come over me.

Maybe it's because my mom flew in from Kentucky to help out with things. We've been joking that with my pregnancy brain and her "advanced age" (is that PC enough?) - our 2 brains work together to make 1 great team :) Having her with me for the past few days has been a huge blessing. No matter how old I get, I still need my mom!

Or perhaps the calmness comes from seeing the joy on Aiden's face as he opens a new package or card or I read him the messages from Facebook and email. All of the many ways people have sent their love are definitely being felt and appreciated!

Many many thanks to:
  • Joy and Brogan who sent a cookie bouquet from Chicago
  • my sister who sent goodies from her family in Kentucky - including the most ADORABLE recordable story-book read by my 6-year-old niece Lilly and card with voice message from 4-year-old Avery
  • nephews Andy and Ben for their super cute drawings for Aiden
  • one of Ricky's co-workers at Samtec for a box of all kinds of toys, books and games to help Aiden smile (thanks Will!)
  • Ethan, who took it upon himself to make a card and ask everyone in his class to sign it for his brother
  • all the classes at St. Joe's in Downers Grove, IL (where my aunt Cakie works) who sent an entire box of handmade cards with well-wishes for Aiden...they are sooooo cute!
  • my in-laws for sending oodles of gifts for the boys from Indiana
  • my mom for taking care of Ethan while we are gone, for finding the perfect front-zip pj's for Aiden so we don't have to put things over his head post-surgery, and all the things she's gotten them since she's been here (or mailed from Kentucky because they wouldn't fit in her suitcase!)
And of course, to all the people who continue to cover Aiden and our family in prayers this week! We are so very grateful!

1 comment :

  1. Many prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery for Aiden.
