14 August 2011

A Little Bit of Magic

Thanks to Free Fun in Austin, I've been finding out about some awesome activities for the kids around town. Not only are we able to expose the boys to all kinds of interesting things, we are able to do it for free!

A few weeks ago, we took them to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum where we got to roam around the exhibits, learning a little about our state history and about the featured exhibit...Texas football. They had crafts, story-time and a screening of "How to Eat Fried Worms", which the boys thoroughly enjoyed (we had to check it out from the library so they could watch it again).

This weekend, we tried a Kindermusik class, had lunch at the classic Monument Cafe in Georgetown (not free unfortunately ;) and then headed to All Things Kids, the cutest little German toy store in the town square. On Saturday, they hosted Merlin the Magician who thrilled the kids with his tricks and tales. Ethan and Aiden were both totally mesmerized. There is something about seeing the joy in my kids' eyes that just makes my heart swell with emotion.

Afterwards, the cast from the local production of The Wizard of Oz made an appearance. Some of you may remember that Ethan went through a phase where he was slightly obsessed with this movie, and even though it has been some time, he was still really excited to see Dorothy and her friends. Before we left home he handmade each of the characters a card.

Of course this was a huge hit (and we knew to bring the Flip to capture the awwww's...see below).

We had never been to this store before, nor had we taken the time to walk through downtown Georgetown, but we will definitely be back! Having the opportunity to participate in free family activities has made our summer extremely enjoyable - even despite the Texas heat!

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