09 August 2011

Dear 30s, don't suck. Love, me.

Jem's 30th Birthday Party
My birthday isn't for another month, but as I see my friends turning the big 3-0, I'm constantly reminded that my turn is rapidly approaching. Even so, I am not overly anxious about exiting my 20s. The past decade has been the most interesting, challenging and rewarding 10 years of my life. I'm proud of what I've accomplished, how I've handled what's been thrown at me and how I've changed as a person.

In my 20s, I...
  • met my soul-mate
  • graduated college
  • spent 6 weeks in LA studying acting
  • got a job (totally unrelated to acting)
  • bought a condo and lived by myself
  • got married
  • realized who my true friends were (and weeded out the ones that weren't)
  • bought a house
  • moved to a new state and bought a different house
  • had 2 kids
  • became a "special needs" mom
  • quit my job
  • endured seeing my child go through 6 surgeries
  • ran a 5k
  • became passionate about nonprofits (particularly craniofacial organizations and Ronald McDonald House Charities)
  • raised over $30,000 in my very first fundraiser
  • left family and friends behind to move across the country to another new house
  • have gotten the hang of this being a mom thing
Whew - that's quite a list. It's hard to imagine that the next 10 years could top that - but I'm pretty sure that it will. To help me focus and mentally prepare, I've drafted a master to-do list for my 30s. Unfortunately, this list includes many wishes and you know what they say - if you tell your wishes, they won't come true - so this shall remain private...sorry!

If I learned anything at all in my 20s, it's this: I am strong enough to handle the tough times, silly enough to enjoy the good times and capable of making a difference. So bring it 30s. I'm ready.

Just don't suck.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for the shout out for Ronald McDonald House Charities. We're glad to be part of your story!
