21 February 2010


My baby boy is now TWO. It has certainly been the most challenging two years of my entire life - and yet, surprisingly, also the most rewarding.

Two years ago, when Aiden made his grand debut that shook my family to its core, I had absolutely no idea how much I was capable of. I had dreams and ideas about the kind of mother I wanted to be - would be - but no concrete evidence that I would ever live up to my expectations.

Oh - but look at me now!

I've experienced the deepest pain my heart has ever endured, felt it crumble into a million pieces right inside my chest, then glued it back together piece by piece - slowly, steadily, and with the support of many.

I've been challenged and tested - as a mother, a friend, a daughter, a wife - and feel on top of the world with how things have turned out. My emotional wreckage has found calmer seas and bright blue sunny horizons.

I've learned things I never would have seeked out on my own - medical terms, surgical jargon, therapy suggestions - once exhausted by all of this information, I am now finding ways to empower myself and make a difference with my newfound knowledge. (More on that to come in the very near future...)

Whereas I once questioned what I was going to do with my life, I now have a deep and clear understanding of where I am going.

Most of all, I have SURVIVED!

And I owe it all to my boys.

And to this smile.

I am so abundantly blessed to be Aiden's mommy and so hopeful for his future. Every day that goes by I am reminded of all that he has helped me overcome - and become.

You know when people say their children are their inspiration? Yeah, I get it.

Happy birthday Aiden - my little fire :)

1 comment :

  1. Happy Birthday Aiden! What a gorgeous and strong little 2 year old you are.

    Love your words Taryn, you are also an inspiration to me and many others.

    I hope you all had a fantastic celebration

    Big hugs from us,
    Maria Ira Edie and Benj xxx
