28 January 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth

We recently returned home from our wonderful (and much needed) family vacation to Florida where we stayed with my parents in their beachfront condo in Clearwater. They are renting for 2 months and invited all of their kids and grandkids down to visit. Because it is only 2 bedrooms, my sister and I decided to overlap our stays, allowing us the chance to go to Disney World together but not having to deal with cramped quarters for an entire week.

We flew in last Wednesday and planned our trip to Disney for Thursday. What an AMAZING day it was! The weather was perfect - not too hot, not too cold. The kids were (surprisingly) ALL very well behaved the entire day. And everyone had a blast. Some of the highlights included:

~ the PhilHarMagic 3D show ~

~ meeting The Kolis family and their adorable little guy Isaiah, who, like Aiden, has Apert Syndrome ~

~ going through Mickey Mouse's house and meeting Mickey and Minnie in person (although, as you can see, not a highlight of Aiden's day...) ~

~ watching the lights and fireworks show in front of the castle after dark ~

But the best moment by far was Ethan visiting the Princesses.

My nieces were so excited to meet them, and we thought it would be fun for Ethan too (although Ricky was a little preturbed by Ethan's level of excitement...)

After waiting in line, we were shuffled as a group into a private room with Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

Ethan blushed a little as he approached Sleeping Beauty. We thought he was going to be very shy with her, but instead, he talked to her in a little whisper with a cute grin on his face. When his turn was almost over, he gave her a hug and then...planted one right on her lips much to her own surprise! Sleeping Beauty was blushing now!

We ushered him along to wait for his photo with Cinderella. As he stood patiently waiting his turn, he looked up and announced "After I'm done kissing all the princesses, I want to go ride the pirate ship!" HA! Of course, Ricky was like "That's my boy!" and we all had a laugh. The princesses just ate him up, calling him Prince Ethan and leaving their spots to come and steal more pictures with Ethan (and probably hoping for another kiss). It couldn't have been any cuter!


  1. looks like fun! love that ethan wanted to kiss all the princesses! It is so nice to meet other families, and Isaiah is too cute

  2. Sorry, I'm finally catching up on the blog reading here, but it was great to meet you all at the Magic Kingdom since we've had such a similar journey with Isaiah.
