28 January 2010

Ahoy Matey!

Another fun family outing while in Florida was setting sail on Captain Memo's Pirate Ship. Aiden stayed back at the condo with Nana to nurse his bronchitis, ear infections, and general case of the miseries while Ricky and I took Ethan to hang out with the pirates.

It's hard to believe that this 2 hour cruise for the three of us cost more than our entire day at Disney (our admission to Disney was free because we completed a volunteer project a few weeks ago as part of the Give A Day, Get A Day program). But I will say that it was worth the price. Ethan had an absolute ball hanging with the pirates and playing with the other kids aboard the ship. They did a great job catering to families - games, water gun fights, treasure hunts for the kids...free beer and wine for the adults!

It was our last full day of vacation and the perfect finish!

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