12 February 2009

"Staycation" here we come!

Ricky and I are preparing to leave for Aiden's next surgery in Dallas next week. What better way to "prepare" than to get away for a little while without the kids...and to do so without spending a whole lot of moolah.

A "staycation" is like a vacation, but you don't really go anywhere, it's close to where you live. We're checking in to a hotel on Friday evening and staying the weekend downtown Louisville. It works out nicely that it is Valentine's Day weekend - kind of kills two birds with one stone. Friday we'll be meeting up with friends for a night out on the town - dinner at The Pub and then on to one of our favorite places, Howl at the Moon at 4th Street Live. Then Saturday will be more of a laid back, no plans, just relax type day.

We're really looking forward to having some "down time" prior to our week in Dallas. Even though we aren't stressing quite as much this time since we know more of what to expect, it is still a long week with appointments and worrying, etc. It'll be nice to have a relaxing weekend before we leave.

I'm so excited! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

PS - My awesome hubby had 2 dozen roses delivered to the house today. They are a beautiful mixture of pinks, reds, peaches, and yellows. Plus, it came with a small box of chocolates (and a note that mentioned something about how lucky he was...sigh...how romantic) I think I'm the lucky one!


  1. you all enjoy. i want to go out tonight with you all. i'm jealous!!! todd's out of town until really late Sunday. it's me and Ty Babes weekend to cuddle!

  2. What a lucky mama you are! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
