07 July 2008

Maybe next year...

Ethan has once again proved us wrong. I thought our little adventure-seeking man would get a kick out of the 4th of July parade in Saugatuck, MI last week, but he wanted nothing to do with it. While all the other kids were squealing with delight as the clowns, cars and floats paraded past, rushing to pick up candy and waving to all the passers-by, Ethan ran off in the opposite direction.

Now, in his defense, it was hot and sunny and my little boy was pouring with sweat. Not to mention he had a cold (the same one Aiden had) so he was probably exhausted. He was kind of in to it for a few minutes, until the guys with the muskets shot into the air scaring the living daylights out of him. And the noise of the wailing firetrucks was just too much. So daddy walked him down to the more peaceful setting at the dock to check out the boats.

We were really excited to take Ethan to his first parade - especially since I had gone to this parade each year since I was his age - but maybe he'll enjoy it a little more next year. I'll probably be helping him pick up his candy while daddy has Aiden down by the dock...

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